Friday, February 27, 2009

Week 8 - Heather

Splashing in the puddles after a long rainy day!

Week 8 - Sonal

Reflections off the Deck

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Week 8 - Christine


week 8 - Linda

Toothpaste, our three year old decided he didn't like his anymore. He suddenly started to refuse using the one we been using since moving back to Sweden, the blue with a turtle on. Then he picked out the one with the shark, well more like he cried for it in the pharmacy. But after trying it he didn't like that one either. So the next day I bought the one with the dog on (he loves dogs) and to my big surprise he liked it! The taste is liquorice!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Week 7 - Tammy

It's been an eventful week with C. She tripped and fell at home. Fractured and dislocated her elbow. Mommy had to figure out a way to bling her cast for her :0)

Week 7 - Sonal

A Moment in Time

I've always tried to get pictures of water in motion but suspended in time. Of course when I don't think about it, it comes out perfect. This was taken at the Bay Area Discovery Museum on the North Headlands of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Week 7 - Linda

Week 7 is a winter Holiday in our part of Sweden. All schools are closed (except preschools), kids are supposed to be outdoors enjoying the winter during this time. A's preschool had a stomach bug going around so we stayed at home all week too. Ab came and stayed the week with us. Lots of fun! The snow showed up but not enough to roll around in. We ended the week with a visit to Uncle T.


Most of us are having our own blog/hompage as well.
Check them out!

Lincoln, California, USA

Danville, California, USA

Göteborg, Västra Götaland, SWEDEN

Canberra, Australia

Shirley (Do you have a homepage or blog?)
San Bruno, California, USA

Dublin, California, USA

Jönköping, Småland, Sweden

Two new members!

My childhood friend Elle has joined us and another Californian Sonal.
Welcome it is fun to have you with us!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 7 - Christine

true love.

week 6 - Elle

My son Alvin in the snow.

We just built a house in Jönköping Sweden.
and now i can play in the snow, in the backyard.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Week 6 - Heather

Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Week 6 - Shirley

I don't like cauliflower but the pretty purple florets called out to me at the market. Didn't fool 3.5 year old M though. I ended up eating the whole thing. Yuck.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 6 - Christine

this is not my image, but i wanted to post it anyway. it's from, a local newspaper extensively covering the tragic victorian fires that have killed over 170 australians and left over 5000 homeless. it's a really sad, horrific disaster and everyday we hear about more victims, more home losses, and continued fires. if you can, please help by donating to the australian red cross

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Week 6 - Sonal

The Party's Over

After a month of planning a beautiful gathering of friends and family, a first birthday is complete. Enjoy the "everyday moments" in your life Nyle.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

week 6 - Linda

Cold, wet and foggy days. We are getting more and more daylight but it is still pretty dark. In Sweden we have a saying that goes something like "There is no bad weather only bad clothes". And we live by it, at this kind of weather the clothes is very important to keep the kids dry, warm and comfortable.

This was our "duty-week" at the parent co-op preschool A attend too. The boring part is us doing the cleaning but it is fun to spend time with all the kids during our two working days. I am so happy with our choice to take part in A's preschool. The preschool crowd is like our extend family for the moment.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Week 5 - Tammy

Welcoming in our new year with a celebration at midnight.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Week 5 - Christine

i call this shot "pondering" because this little boy is unsure if he can dance in front of everyone.  minutes later, he did! so cute.

Week 5 - Heather

Creaky Cradle

My husband's great-grandfather built this cradle and every child born into the family since has slept in it. My husband and all his sibling slept in it as well as all of the cousins and now both of our children have slept in it. It is such a beautiful piece and holds so much special meaning. Sadly we will have to be passing it on soon as my husband's cousin is trying to have a baby. I will be very sad to see this piece of history move on.

Week 5 - Shirley

Paint for babies. Had to put it up on the window sill because my little one was was only interested in eating it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

week 5 - Linda

Toys everywhere! This car is very popular for everyone under four in our house. It also illustrates our urge to have beautiful things around us. It is not always easy to find toys that both looks good and are great to play with.