Sunday, June 28, 2009

Week 26 - Sonal

We're still in Baltimore and my uncle's next door neighbor has a pony and horse. It was a slow process to get the kids to feed the pony, but they finally got it. Beautiful Blue Eyes.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Week 25 - Sonal

Family Reunion - Baltimore 2009
I set up the shot from the balcony of my uncle's home really late in the day. By the time I rounded up everyone, coached them into getting in frame, took test shots,and ran downstairs to get in the shot (had a family friend take the picture), the sun went down and had to use flash. I'm surprised the flash worked from such a long distance. Anyway, we all stayed in one house for three days. Good Times.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

week 22 - Linda

This is the last evening before we are leaving the city. We spent a few hours in Slottskogen and after we went to my favorite ice cream place.

I will defiantly miss living in our neighborhood, Linnestaden, it is so nice to be close to the coffeehouses, bakeries and all the little shops. Me and the kids will miss our friends even if we will live pretty close we cant just call and say lets meet in 15 minutes. I will also miss the Botanic garden we have close by. I love that I can just walk out and have everything I need around the corner. I hardly ever use the car during the weeks I did not grow up in the city but I really like living there.

There is great things waiting ahead. But for now I have to say good bye to this part of my life.

week 21 - Linda

More schoolwork....

week 20 - Linda

Schoolwork, schoolwork, schoolwork........

week 19 - Linda

Sharing a Mom, sharing a Dad, sharing a ball, sharing a book, sharing a room, sharing the mornings, sharing the evenings, sharing the everyday life.

Sharing a CHILDHOOD!

Four days you spent apart this week. When you are not together you miss each other and asks for each other. When you are together you have lots of fun, of course there is some disagreements but you usually forget about them fast. I love to see the way you care for each other.