Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Week 19 - Sonal

Miss Garden

There is an amazing sculptor who puts together scrap metal into garden people. We're planning to go to his show this weekend in Fairfield. Admission - anything metal. I would love to have Miss Garden live here but I'm sure its alot of $$$.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week 18 - Sonal

my little garden ballerina

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Huckle Cat - Heather

Huckle Cat

I actually took this picture way back in Week 3 of this year but Linda's post struck a cord in me and I wanted to share it. My daughter is also totally obsessed with cats! And this little guy, "Huckle" travels everywhere with us!

week 18 - Linda

All the boys in the family LOVES cats. J grow up with one, Ab has his own cat that he got last summer (which lives with S), A has been a big fan of T & E's two cats Max and Sam since he first meet them. A has a pretend Max and a Sam that last fall followed him everywhere, now they just come for a visit every now and again. C does the cat sign as soon as he sees one and gets all crazy when he sees one in real life. A & C has some stuffed cats that they play and cuddle with. They often wants to bring them when we are going somewhere, that's when the bag on the photo comes in. When we go for an outing it is often filled with cats, some little books and sometimes some other small toys. The small cat in the bag we have had since Ab was little the big one C got from his paternal grandma a few weeks ago. Of course A got one too, but in another color.

Myself I am not really a big fan of cats. They are cute and all but really I don't want one in my house. I hope I can manage to talk the boys out of having one of our own when we move to the house.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Week 17 - Linda

Since we live in the middle of the city and have a very functional public transportation system we don't really need a car in our daily life. Our car has been on winter rest for the last 5 months but now in April we took it out from the storage to enjoy. We mostly drive it to our house to be, but we only use it a couple of times every week, mostly during the weekends.

It is not perfect for family life, but J and the kids loves it. For the moment we are trying to decide if we should keep it or sell it and what we would buy instead. When we move to the house it will be more convenient to have two cars.

week 16 - Linda

It almost feels like summer. It is really warm and sunny everyday. The newspapers says we have never had such beautiful weather in Sweden during April for as long as the record goes. This part of the year we really missed while in US, the spring when the world around us transform from grey and cold to varm and green in just a couple of weeks.

We can't wait to move out to the forest to enjoy this even more than here in the middle of the city.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week 17 - Heather

An Egg of Every Color!

I bought some organic farm eggs and wound up with the whole spectrum of egg shells in one basket, what are the odds?

Week 16 - Heather

A friendly Butterfly

This butterfly landed on this lady's hat while we were in the rain forest exhibit at the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. Actually they were landing all over us!

Week 17 - Sonal

Sunday Night Dinner

My husband and I started a Sunday Night Dinner blog. Check it out if you're looking for some comfort food. (still in progress)